Sweet Pickles ended up being in the hospital for 2 weeks. He was sent home at one point with a PICC line so that we could administer his IV antibiotics at home, but ended up right back in the hospital less than 36 hours later. After nearly another week in the hospital Little Sweetie was finally able to go home.
Once home Mama and Daddy Pickles had fun administering IV antibiotics 4 times a day for the next 6.5 weeks. Finally near the end of July, Sweet Pickles was deemed healthy enough to stop taking antibiotics and the PICC line was removed. Our summer fun was finally ready to begin at the end of July, because, well, there's only so much fun you can have when you are hooked up to an IV for 7.5 hours a day.
We have been busy the past month doing all the things we couldn't do before- swimming, visiting our cottage, playdates with friends, going to story time at the library and bowling. School starts in 2 weeks and we'd like to cram as much fun as we can into our remaining free time. Once we get back into the swing of our school routine, I hope to be posting regularly. I have lots of things rattling around in my pickle jar. For now I will leave you with this picture of Sweet Pickles and his PICC line that he lovingly called his "tubie."
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